Rector Search

Frequently Asked Questions about the Rector Search

Who is on the Search Committee? 

The committee is made up of Vestry and parish members.  Members are:

Catie Hayes & Kierk Dudman, committee co-chairs
Claudette Hunt
Nicholas Jordan
Jason Salter
Charlotte Whatley
David Zeiler

How long is the search expected to take? 

The search process will take roughly 18 months to complete.

What’s involved in the search process? 

The process includes four phases: Self-Study, Parish Profile Development, Discernment, and Final Discernment. 

Where are we now in the search process?

We are currently accepting candidate names. We have published our Parish Profile.

What is a “Parish Profile”? 

The parish profile is a written tool to communicate who we are and who God calls us to be. The search committee will work with the vestry and the entire congregation to develop this “story” of the parish. It will contain details such as parish history, a listing of programs, parish ministries and personnel. 

This task can take up to six to eight months. When the profile is complete, the search committee will bring it to the congregation to reflect on whether that document represents them. The description of the parish contained in the profile is meant to be a representation of the parish on which the wardens, vestry, search committee and congregation agree. 

This is one of the main documents that will be shared with the “Job Advertisement” for Priests in search of opportunities to understand who we are, and how we worship and thrive as a community.

Read more about our Parish Profile HERE.