Creation Care 2023
A Call to Action
In 2023, St. Andrew’s was selected as one of 6 parishes from across North America to participate in a year-long partnership to develop new resources and practices for worship and mission in response to climate change. Two parishioners attended an international conference in Minnesota to kick things off.
We look forward to growing in our efforts to address climate change and in the community connections we can make in the process. You can learn more here.
St. Andrew’s Wildlife Garden
Many have noticed that the installation of the handicap-accessible ramp disrupted the east lawn between the Parish Hall and Church Street. The Buildings and Grounds Commission decided we should set a good example of sustainable practice and create a wildlife garden.
Our plant and design choices will provide food and shelter for insects, birds, and amphibians. Also, since we care for one of the largest open spaces in that neighborhood, we will be able to share beauty and visual interest. The goal will be to have a garden with drought-resistant perennials and ground cover, so we only manage minimal weeds and mulch. Our design will need less mowing which will reduce our maintenance costs and carbon footprint. These plantings will help reduce the heat island that can occur in that area of Ayer due to the railroad and parking areas nearby.
Want to help? We are seeking people to aid with various tasks like:
Separating and replanting the existing plants.
Providing input on plant choices.
Contributions of drought resistance, non-invasive plants –preferably natives. We will provide more guidance.
Help with the plan and creation of the path and possible seating area.
Joining in with the ongoing development of and care for the garden.
This garden will not look perfect this season. It will improve every season we care for it. Looking forward to growing together!
Prayer for Creation Care
With God’s grace, let peace and justice flow through us all as we PRAY, LEARN, ACT, and ADVOCATE.
When we PRAY we ground ourselves in faith and hope.
When we LEARN, we realize that we are not alone and change is possible.
Together these give us strength to ACT and ADVOCATE so that all God’s creatures can enjoy a peaceful, just, and sustainable life, in harmony with each other and with God’s creation. (