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Weekly Services
St. Andrew's is a welcoming congregation serving the communities of Central Massachusetts. Our services are open to all who wish to attend. In the Episcopal Church, we use the term "Eucharist" to mean the entire worship service, of which Holy Communion is one part. We believe that the Eucharist is the sacrament of thanksgiving given by Christ for the continual remembrance of His life, death, and resurrection.
Sundays at 9:30 am - Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
The Sunday Celebration of Holy Eucharist is held in the church. Thoughtful preaching, beautiful music, and the poetic prayers for which the Episcopal Church is known are all elements of this service.
Each Sunday, before the service begins, an organ prelude, joined occasionally by other musicians, allows time for prayer and meditation. Hymns are accompanied by the organ and choir. The service generally lasts about 1¼ hours.
Services are also available virtually via Facebook Live if you prefer to stay home, but we would love to see you in-person.
Communion Instruction
Everyone is welcome at God's table. You are invited to the altar rail to receive communion in bread and wine, or to receive a blessing from our priest.
Parents are encouraged to have even very young children participate. All baptized persons, regardless of age, have a right to be fed at God’s Table. Their level of understanding will grow as they participate in the worship and education of the Church.
Christ’s radical welcome is also an invitation to baptism, which is full initiation by water and the Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. If you want to be baptized, please speak with our priest.
Notes for your first visit
Masks are optional inside full-time for all in-person gatherings. Seating - all pews are open. The open area at the rear of the Church is particularly designed to be welcoming for families with small children, as is our snuggery.
Communion - the Priest will dip the host for you, if you would prefer to not have the host dipped into the wine, please just let the Priest know. Come forward to receive communion or a blessing at the altar rail. Gluten-free wafers are offered at the end.
The Offering - an offering basket will be passed in church, however online electronic giving is strongly encouraged as it is just a more streamlined way for us to receive and track giving.
The Dismissal - If you need to leave during the Postlude, please do so quietly without talking as our Livestream recording includes the Postlude. After the Postlude, please don't gather and talk in the aisles of the church, but rather gather outside for conversation.
A Note About Livestreaming
As a reminder, we continue to provide our Sunday service by Livestream. This means we are recording the service to broadcast it to Facebook Live. There is a small chance you could be included on camera at some point during the service.
If you get a late start to your Sunday morning, come along anyway. We'd rather have you late than not at all! More information about joining us virtually is found on our worshiping from home page.
Please join us for coffee and conversation after the service followed by an opportunity for regular adult formation (in the brick building next door).
For more information about our children and adult formation programs, visit our Education pages.
Eucharistic Visitors
For those members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present in Church and wish to receive Holy Communion, St. Andrew's offers specially trained lay ministers (Eucharistic Visitors) who are available to bring the Consecrated Elements directly from the Church to a hospital, nursing home, or private residence.
To arrange for a Eucharistic Visitor, please contact the office by email at