Parish Activities

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Acolyte Education & Service

Parishioners (youth and adults) are invited to serve as Acolytes. Our Altar Guild provides hands-on training.  Acolyting is a great opportunity to learn about the worship service and the historical traditions of the Episcopal Church.

Advent Wreath Activity

The church community--young and young at heart--gather to make traditional Advent wreaths on the first day of Advent to prepare for the coming of Jesus and the celebration of Christmas.

Book Discussions

We host All-Parish Reads with small-group discussions.  Examples of books that we’ve discussed include The Language of God: A Scientist Presents the Evidence for Belief by Francis Collins  and The Book of Joy:  Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Communion Education

All are welcome to receive Holy Communion at St. Andrew's.  Our Sunday School program incorporates a great deal of experiential learning about Holy Eucharist, prayer, and participation in worship. 

St. Andrew's children get a special tour and make a take-home craft project during In A Manger, our annual exhibition of over 150 Nativity Sets from around the world. This is a very popular event for our community.

Intergenerational Worship Services

Children and teens participate in services as lectors/readers and also in dramatic readings of scripture. We often have children’s sermons.  Youth are invited to sit by the Altar to for children’s sermons and to observe the Sacrament of Baptism. 

Epiphany Pageant (for kids)

Atrium students participate in a processional pageant to celebrate Epiphany (the 12th day of Christmas), when we remember the coming of the three wise men bringing gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh) to the Christ child, symbolically revealing Jesus to the world as our Lord and King.

Christian Education September Kick-Off and July Celebration Barbecue

St. Andrew’s hosts a beginning and end of the year celebration all-parish barbecue.  It’s a fun social event for kids and adults.  We even have our own bouncy castle!  

Labyrinth of Light

To celebrate Epiphany, we host a Labyrinth of Light.   Walk our large canvas labyrinth illuminated with candlelight and surrounded with an exhibit of scripture and poetry about light, faith, and the glory of God.  Learn more about the Labyrinth of Light.