Parish Survey 

Survey Results

At the start of the summer, the Search Committee asked for participation in our All-Parish survey to share thoughts about the search for our next rector. It was an important step in our search discernment process and allowed us to collect anonymous feedback which our third-party vendor, Holy Cow Consulting, then analyzed. Throughout Summer 2023, the Search Committee met to discuss the results, and the information was used to guide us in creating our Parish Profile.

The entire parish was invited to complete the survey and we received 41 responses. Although the hope was to have every individual in the parish complete the survey, anecdotally we heard that many people filled out the survey to reflect the collective thoughts of their households. Comparing 41 responses to our most recently reported average Sunday attendance of 42 and comparing our response rate to the nationally reported average of responses, we are confident our response rate was good.  Overall, parishioners reported a strong satisfaction rate with St. Andrew’s. All indications point to a church that has options including growth, expansion, and external impact.

In broad terms, our church has potential strengths related to inclusiveness and advocacy. The survey firm thought that a potential weakness was a tendency to intellectualize every issue, but the Search Committee thought that it indicated a willingness of parishioners to speak up, realizing that we had a supportive and understanding community. This “problem” of over-intellectualizing could be construed as leading to problems in establishing identity and vision.

Participation in activities of the church is higher and stronger than what is reported nationally. St. Andrew’s is counted in the top tier of a transformational leadership structure and will do well to attract a rector willing to work in a collaborative fashion. 

The top four identified goals for our parish are:

The survey summary concludes with an important caveat, which we, as the Search Committee are taking very seriously.  Survey data is not the end of a conversation, but just the beginning.

These are exciting times at St. Andrew’s as we work together to shape the future of our parish. As always, please reach out to any of the committee members with questions.

To read more of the Executive Summary results CLICK HERE.

For the complete data report, CLICK HERE.